Rather than treating just your symptoms, we partner with you and your physician to provide innovative, comprehensive care to address the root cause of your oral health as it relates to overall health.
Exams may include oral cancer screening, sleep apnea and blood pressure screening, bacterial and genetic testing, and review of lifestyle risk factors.
Collaboration is essential to identify all of the risks, underlying causes and solutions to help you achieve better health and wellness!
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may be at an increased risk for oral systemic links, and your overall health may be at risk.
C-Reactive Protein
The link between the body’s level of in ammation (including periodontal/gum disease) and heart diseases.
Blood Sugar
Hemoglobin A1c (Hb A1c) is the link between periodontal/gum disease and blood sugar instability and insulin resistance.
Saliva pH
Highly acidic saliva is directly linked to tooth decay. Increased acidity and a low pH in the body indicate increased risk factors for serious degenerative diseases including cancer, heart disease, arthritis and osteoporosis.
Periodontal Pathogens
Some bacteria cannot be removed by deep cleanings alone. Certain severe bacteria may require antibiotics to control periodontal disease.
Genetic Factors
1/3 of the population is positively at risk for a gene that contributes to in ammation and bone loss.
HPV & Oral Cancer
HPV is one of the risk factors for oral cancer and is now considered a higher risk factor than tobacco or alcohol consumption.
Periodontal pathogens have a direct pathway through the gums, into the bloodstream, and into your main lifelines—your heart and brain. In fact:
52 Diseases are directly linked to periodontal disease including heart disease, stroke and diabetes.